Shul Calendar
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Shul Announcements
Thank you to Dr Elaina Dinerstein and Mrs Geraldine Simon for sponsoring the Kiddush in memory of their late father, Dr Michael Dinerstein ע"ה.
Mazal Tov!
Mazal tov to Rabbi Daniel and Rebbetzin Esther and all their family on the birth of their granddaughter to Moishe and Avigail.
Mazal Tov!
Mazal tov to Mrs Carole Walker and Mr Aaron Walker on the occasion of the birth of their great-granddaughter and great-niece.
Unveiling of Matzeivah
The unveiling of a matzeivah for Mr Malcolm Morris ע"ה will be on Sunday 16th February at 12:00pm at Rainsough Cemetery followed by a plaque and l’chaim at The Nicky.
Refuah Shelayma
Refuah Shelayma to Mrs Marilyn Shapiro.

Refuah Shelayma to Mrs Maggie Black
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Shabbos Times
Shabbos Yisro 15th February:

Candle Lighting: 5:02pm.

Shabbos Ends: 6:10pm.
Learning & Inspiration
  • How Do We Know That We Heard G‑d at Sinai?The greatest conspiracy theory of all time is materialism. The second greatest conspiracy theory is... Read More
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